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Future STEMite Tournament & Competition

A dynamic platform for high schoolers and tertiary institutions to unleash their creativity and contribute to addressing the pressing problems of our time.

12 Thematic Areas achieved

22 Communities

25 Customized Learning

The future STEMite tournament allows for high school student teams to solve a specific challenge or problem through science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Many of these challenges are rooted in real-world issues, encouraging student participants to use creativity and critical thinking in order to come up with innovative solutions. In the last four years, we made an indelible mark of advancing students’ projects and entries. 26 team schools have further competed on global STEM challenges, like the Conrad Challenge, International Kids Coding Competition, USA and Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology challenge, Germany.

Students in high schools and tertiary institutions register a team of 6 minimum with supporting teachers and mentors to showcase their skills and ability to work in a collaborative team environment with their school-sponsored educator/mentor to compete against the brightest minds within the same pool of grades.


The National STEM Foundation, Zambia partners with STEMi Makers of Africa to host the first national robotics competition in Lusaka, Zambia. The National STEM Robotics Competition (NSRC-2024) is  a strategic initiative to spark nationwide interest in STEM education, fuel Zambia’s  Industry 4.0 ambitions, and foster a culture of innovation across all levels. The competition framework and target participants are primary and secondary school teams in Zambia, University students, Independent innovators.  Thematic Areas are:

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The tournament recognizes the outstanding students for their accomplishment in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) for their innovative and creative projects. High school students can submit individual and/or team research projects in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or similar areas. Each submission can provide a summary of the STEM project. All projects must be presented at the Future STEMite tournament.  The projects will be judged based on the technical content and presentation. Winners will receive awards and prizes (depending on sponsorship availability and its category). The winning awards will be given at the finals.

  • The submitter must be middle school students, high school student or recent graduates.
  • The projects should be related on STEM or similar fields.
  • Individual or team projects can be submitted.
  • One or more educators may appear as co-authors of a submission, but the student must be the ‘first author’.
  • The project must be presented at the Future STEMite tournament before the judges.

The Oxford Dictionary defines “innovation” as the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something. At STEMi Makers of Africa, we broaden this definition to include significantly improved methods, ideas, systems, or products. This encompasses enhancements, changes, or additions to current innovations that significantly improve upon them or perform the same function in a unique way.

We encourage students to harness their creativity and problem-solving skills to develop a solution that addresses a real-world problem. Projects should introduce new things, ideas or ways of doing something, including significantly improved methods, ideas, systems, or products. Your innovation should be tested and refined based on feedback.

Note: Innovators may (but do not have to) create a unique innovation for STEMi. They may show an innovation they created for another program, or an innovation they have shown before at STEMi Makers of Africa, providing there has been significant improvement to the innovation.