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Employment Opportunities

Invested 100% of our income in youth empowerment and improving STEM Education.

About 250 million youths in Africa are preparing to enter the workforce with projections that the number would rise to 321 million by 2030

The world is no doubt rapidly evolving into a digital era, with new technologies and technological advancements sweeping across the globe. It has been predicted that by 2030, almost half of the world’s youth will be in Africa, as the number of youths on the African continent will have increased to 42%. This means that the number of young people entering the workforce each year will join millions of others to search for better sources of livelihood.

Building an "Africa By Us, For Us ecosystem

In the last three years, STEMi Makers of Africa have impacted the primary and secondary education institutions where we developed a first-to-market, classroom-centered learning management solution that hosts students and educators on virtual lab sessions and project-based work with little internet required. Today, over 6,000 educators and 20,004 students access the digital environment.


Programs & Activities in 2023


Secondary and Tertiairy Institutions



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