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STEM Integration and Development of Educators

38 Communites

5000+ Educators

25 Customized Learning


The STEM Integration and Development Training for Educators was launched in 2021 in partnership with the United States of America Consulate General, Lagos to train 100 Educators in Lagos State with physical computing tools, design thinking and EDP in the classroom.

Since inception, we have scaled this initiative to 38 communities across 11 states, 4 regions and 3 countries. We offer a rigorous, diverse, hands-on approach to refine teaching methods and increased enrollment in STEM subjects.


At STEMi Makers of Africa, we are committed to revolutionizing traditional curricula to meet the demands of the 21st century, improve teaching materials while ensuring students are equipped with the skills needed to strengthen the social fabric of society and ready to excel in the global workforce. This multiplier effect spurs economic growth and enhances stability.

On a mission to strengthen competencies, particularly in STEM and digital literacy for students, STEMi Makers of Africa trained 100 mid and low-level educators with advanced STEM instructional pedagogy, resource tools, hands-on lab training while providing subject matter experts and additive manufacturers to give educators the experience they need for practical teaching.

One of the objectives of this project was to “Train-the-Trainer” and build Educators with exemplary practices who will serve as STEM Ambassadors for promoting STEM Education in their respective schools, thereby, training their fellow colleagues and expanding the STEMi learning Community for effective sharing and knowledge transfer of practical Education. We hope to empower Africa’s youth to develop their technology, innovation skills and address three major gaps: Skills, Innovation and Jobs.


The Teach STEM through Inclusive Digital Technology (i-DIGIT) for Ugandan educators in Entebbe of Wakiso district was to equipped them with modern and inclusive inquiry-based learning techniques. Through this initiative, 55 educators utilized and integrated it into their classrooms. When teaching, Educators can now ask for student’s opinion about the topic before delivering the course. Cooperative learning and Project-based learning were integrated to solve complex problems and foster creativity.

Educators – teachers, trainers, and mentors – play a crucial role in unlocking the potential of our youth, providing them with the skills they need to navigate the future. Unfortunately, 9 in 11 Educators (nearly 85 percent in Africa) do not have access to practical teaching tools and resources to drive active participation in problem-solving. The Educator train-the-trainer program was to equip 120 educators and create a solid STEM foundation through a 4-phase integrated approach. Educators were trained on various technical skills and digital literacy to inform students on design prototypes and setting up of STEM Clubs.


Cameroon faces huge challenges in reforming its education sector. Many people are still not learning what they need to thrive now and in the future. If current trends continue, by 2050 some one-third of Cameroon’s ten million young people will lack basic proficiency in math, reading, and other subjects. Millions will be unemployable and unproductive. This PBL training was to empower educators in exercising project based activities integrated with design thinking approach in every class subject. This learning method provided helpful syntax to guide 1,410 students to construct their cognitive construction phase by phase. Educators were supported with professional development materials for continued self-development.

We partnered with the Abia State Government, Enugu, Imo Ministry of Education and the U.S department of state to train 1,700 direct and indirect Educators from public and private schools across four states in the South-Eastern region of Nigeria.  Each of these states brought together a diverse group of Science and Technology, Education, and socio-economic empowerment stakeholders, and encouraged practical hands-on activities around improving teaching practices, learning outcomes through quality capacity building. Educators were exposed to design thinking, programming, Circuiting, embedded systems, prototyping, computing, STEM Pedagogy, Skills of the Future and Entrepreneurship.

The STEM Integration and Development Training for Educators was launched by the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Innovation Makers of Africa (STEMi Makers Africa) for Educators in Kano State, Nigeria. We trained 83 direct educators who further trained their colleagues with modern STEM resource pedagogues, computing, design thinking and problem-solving skills. 80% of Educators in Kano said that lesson examples and STEM Unit of work supported them in increasing their confidence in planning, implementing Internet of Things activities. 78.5% Educators confirmed that students felt safe working in teams and more creative to build prototypes made from reusable materials.

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The STEMi Educator programme also known as STEMi Ambassadors program for Educators is an initiative that aims to inspire and engage young people in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research and innovation. The program upskills the bedrock of education (i.e the teachers and mentors of our society) with cutting-edge and realistic technical resource tools for the African classroom. Schools, Educators and other educational settings are equipped with 21st century skills, mentoring, engineering project resources to solve a problem.

The STEMi Educator/ Ambassador programme is run by STEMi Makers of Africa and in partnerships with the government, organizations and delivery partners like BBC Micro:bit, UK.

We depend on experienced elementary, middle school, high school and tertiary educators to serve as mentors who can transform learning to be more problem-based.

It has been predicted that by 2030, almost half of the world’s youth will be in Africa, as the number of youths on the African continent will have increased to 42%. This means that the number of young people entering the workforce each year will join millions of others to search for better sources of livelihood. Educators – teachers, trainers, and mentors – play a crucial role in this process. They are the ones who can unlock the potential of our youth, providing them with the skills they need to navigate the future.

The STEM Integration and development training for STEM educators come in many forms, each offering unique benefits and learning experiences. Some of these avenues include:

  • Workshops: Hands-on workshops to provide educators with practical skills and strategies that they can implement in their classrooms. These workshops often involve collaborative activities and demonstrations of STEM concepts.
  • Webinars: Our online webinars allow educators to learn from experts in the field and explore specific STEM topics or teaching techniques. Webinars offer the convenience of participating from any location with internet access.
  • Conferences: STEM conferences brings together educators, researchers, and professionals to share their knowledge and experiences. These events provide opportunities for networking, attending presentations, and gaining insights into the latest trends in STEM education.
  • Online Courses: Our learning management system is specifically designed for STEM educators to offer flexibility and self-paced learning. These courses cover a wide range of STEM subjects and teaching methodologies, allowing educators to enhance their skills at their convenience.
  • STEMi Educator Academies: Teacher academies focus on providing comprehensive training and support to STEM educators. These programs often include a combination of workshops, mentorship, and ongoing professional development opportunities.
  • Industry Partnerships: Collaborations with industry partners to offer valuable insights into the real-world application of STEM skills. These partnerships include guest lectures, mentorship programs, and field trips to relevant industries.

All applicants must be currently teaching in a registered education institution. In some cases, educators are required to submit a letter of verification from a school administrator.

The STEM Educator training Program is designed to accomodate teachers, mentor and school administrators with primary level of experience. We shortlist educators who are passionate or put in practice in Math and Science. You should also be able to demonstrate a commitment to empower your classroom, colleague and community.

When you join the STEMi Educator community or program, you are committing to explore becoming a more experienced middle or high school teacher in an under-resourced community.

In addition, you commit to completing a 25-key activity training, professional development a post-training engagement and assessment for 10 consecutive weeks.

The STEM Integration and Development training for Educators is a rigorous and supported on-ramp to a teaching career. The program offers you the field experience, knowledge and connections to ensure you thrive in the classroom and make an informed decision in grooming the next generation of talents to excel in STEM careers.

You will be offered quality resource tools, instructional PBL techniques for your school or community. As a STEMi Educator Fellow, you will join a network of like-minded professionals dedicated to closing the opportunity gap for students who lack equitable access to a high-quality STEM education.

As a Fellow you will:

  • Gain valuable field experience during your 8-months 4-phased training.
  • Receive mentorship from STEMi staff and your experienced host facilitator.
  • Receive teacher exchange support / guidance
  • Have access to a robust slate of professional development
  • Join a collaborative cohort of peers to share ideas, support and best practices