About Me:
Dorcas Attuabea Addo serves on the leadership team, also a lecturer at the department of Mathematics Education, University of Education, Winneba, and Ph.D. student at the department of Mathematics, KNUST, Ghana. Her area of research is the intersection of Mathematics and Physics (Differential Geometry and Quantum Mechanics). She is a quantum computing enthusiast and currently on a research visit at the University of Calgary, Canada under the supervision of Dr. Barry Sanders, working on Quantum Variational Algorithms.
She is a recipient of several grants and scholarships such as the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship for Advanced Scholars for a research visit in 2021 at the University of Calgary, Canada, part of the team that won the AlumNode Project grant. She also received a grant from the Committee for Women in Mathematics under the International Mathematical Union to organized Evidence Based Approach to Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM. She was a participant at the 10th Annual Hackathon for Social Good held at New York University, Abu Dhabi. The event was held from March 30th to April 1st and was themed around quantum computing, and won the best presentation award. She is the President of OneQuantum Ghana Chapter, whose mission is community building, mentoring and promoting quantum computing and technology through research, career and skill development. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from KNUST, and an MSc Mathematical Science from AIMS-Ghana. She also has a YouTube channel called The Maths Classroom, which provides mathematics tutorials from the basic level to tertiary. She is passionate about quality education; the avenue for diverse, inclusive and equitable quality education. She is a STEM advocate and passionate about promoting STEM education among females.